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Craniosacral Therapy

"I would love to live like a river flows, carried by the surprise of its own unfolding." -John O'Donohue

Craniosacral Therapy is a form of bodywork that addresses the subtle inherent healing capacity of the body. Using a combination of gentle holds, manual movement, and verbal contact, the purpose of Craniosacral Therapy is to access and support the underlying inherent health that is always present in the body.

A particular focus of mine in Craniosacral sessions is the nervous system, helping you to cultivate a resourced and regulated nervous system. I believe the nervous system is the foundation. It is what guides our responses, it signals our brains and our muscles, it inspires our movement and beliefs. Craniosacral sessions are a space in which to bring your nervous system into the present moment, releasing patterned responses that are no longer serving you. Those responses can show up on many different levels: physical (chronic pain, muscle tension, etc), mental (habitual thought patterns), and emotional responses. 

My role as therapist is to support your system as it finds ways to release trauma and tension patterns and to help access the inherent health in your system. Craniosacral Therapy draws on many different practices including Osteopathy, Polarity Therapy, Massage, and Somatic Experiencing. It is a great modality for working with trauma (emotional and physical), chronic pain, depression, sleep issues, headaches, TMJ dysfunction and injuries.