Therapeutic Yoga
“We shall not cease from exploration. And the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.” – T.S. Eliot
I offer individualized yoga instruction, focusing on the therapeutic aspects of yoga Ansana practice. In my exploration of yoga and movement, I found it to be an incredible compliment to the more internal practices of both Massage and Craniosacral Therapy. Sometimes after we have found freedom from a holding pattern, the body really want to explore movement and the possibilities that are available after release. This is where yoga can be a great compliment.
My training has sent me across the world to the mountains of India, studying traditional Hatha yoga, as well as modern Ashtanga. Through individualize yoga instruction, we can work together to create a program that fits your specific needs based on where you are in the moment, and the direction you are moving in.
The physical aspect of Yoga offers our bodies the opportunity to be fully present with what is in the moment. It gives us a chance to practice radical inclusion and acceptance of ourselves, as well as a space to explore what else is possible.